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 Post subject: Act 1 Suggestions.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:38 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:20 pm
Posts: 385
Location: Central America - Honduras - Omoa
We have a tons of new areas... new bosses... and again... as every year during the past 10 years... I re-recommend giving love to the maps we already have.

Total Game remodeling concept.

General suggestions, to make the game more fun, the whole suggestions together will improve the play-through and encourage the side questing and farming.

Blood moor - ok
-Den of evil map – ok
-Den of evil quest – ok
Cold plains - reduce map size 50%
-The cave map – remove second floor, change the shape to a small simple round cave with the shape of old Izual’s lair, ¨Coldcrow¨ miniboss drops ¨Rogue’s heart¨ 1 slot charm +10hp.
-The cave level 2 map – delete this map.

Graveyard – ok
-Mausoleum map – change map shape to a clone of befallen shrine, chest at the end drops multiple ¨Carrion scroll¨ adds +5hp +5poison resistance to ¨Rogue’s Heart¨ cubing together.
-The crypt map - change map shape to a clone of befallen shrine, chest at the end drops multiple ¨Plague scroll¨ adds +5hp +5poison resistance to ¨Rogue’s Heart¨ cubing together.

-Befallen shrine map – ok
-Burial grounds map – ok
-Blood raven boss – drops ¨Rogue scroll¨ adds +10hp +5% poison length reduction to ¨Rogue’s heart¨ cubing together.
-Sister’s Burial ground quest – ok
Stony Field – ok
-Tristram – ok
-The Underground Passage level1 – ok
-The underground passage level2 – Add miniboss clone of ¨Coldcrow¨ named ¨Blightcrow¨ (with amazon poison skills) drops multiple ¨Blight scroll¨ adds +5% poison length reduction +5% Faster run walk to ¨Rogue’s heart¨ cubing together.
Dark Wood map – Greatly increase monster spawn, create new map with the following map with increased size
new dark wood.png
new dark wood.png [ 21.22 KiB | Viewed 20126 times ]

-The search for Cain Quest – ok
Black Marsh –remove tower’s town portal spire.
-The Hole map – Remove second floor, change the shape to a small simple round cave with the shape of old Izual’s lair, add a Berserker type miniboss that spawns town portal when killed.
-The Hole level 2 map – delete this map.

-The forgotten tower map – ok
-Tower cellar level 1 map: replace to an static map similar to ¨Smith forge¨ in size, add cold caster mobs and cold enchanted.
-Tower cellar level2 map: replace to an static map similar to ¨Smith forge¨ in size, add fire caster mobs and fire enchanted.
-Tower cellar level3 map: replace to an static map similar to ¨Smith forge¨ in size, add Lightning caster mobs and lightning enchanted.
-Tower cellar level4 map: replace to an static map similar to ¨Smith forge¨ in size, add poison caster mobs and poison enchanted.

-The dungeon of countess map - ok
- The countess boss – ok
-The blood spire boss – ok
-The forgotten tower quest - ok
Tamoe Highlands map – ok
-The pit level1 map – swap with the pit level2 map.
-The pit level2 map – delete this map.

-Earth rotter boss – ok
-Monastery gate map – ok
Outer cloister map – ok
-Barracks map – reduce map size 60%
-Smith forge map – ok
-Smith boss – ok
-Tools of trade quest – ok
Jail level1 – create a new map with the following design:
new jail.png
new jail.png [ 8.22 KiB | Viewed 20126 times ]

-Jail level2 – create new map with the following design:
new jail level 2.png
new jail level 2.png [ 4.32 KiB | Viewed 20126 times ]

-Jail level3 – create new map with the new design:
Inner cloister map – ok
-Cathedral – ok
-Haunted morgue – change map to a boss map similar to Smith’s, add a boss similar to Mortanius for an additional farm.
Catacombs level1 – ok
Catacombs level2 – ok
Catacombs level3 – ok
-Catacombs of Anguish – ok
-Tobial boss – ok
-Andariel’s chamber – ok
-Andariel Boss – ok
-Sisters to the slaughter quest – ok

Completed Normal Rogue heart: +30hp +10 poison resistance +10% poison length reduction +5% faster run walk
*Nightmare ¨Rogue’s Heart¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +20hp
*Nightmare ¨Carrion scroll¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +10hp +5 poison resistance
*Nightmare ¨Plague scroll¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +10hp +5 poison resistance
*Nightmare ¨Rogue scroll¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +20hp +10% poison length reduction
*Nightmare ¨Blight scroll¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +5% poison length reduction +10% faster run walk
Completed Nightmare Rogue heart: +90hp +20 poison resistance +25% poison length reduction +15% faster run walk
*Hell ¨Rogue heart¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +50hp
*Hell ¨Carrion scroll¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +20hp +10 poison resistance
*Hell ¨Plague scroll¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +20hp +10 poison resistance
*Hell ¨Rogue scroll¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +20hp +10% poison length reduction
*Hell ¨Blight scroll¨ cube it with normal’s ¨Rogue heart¨ to gain +10% poison length reduction +15% faster run walk
Completed Hell Rogue heart: +200hp +40 poison resistance +40% poison length reduction +30% faster run walk

The purpose of the changes, of some maps to static maps and of others to make them smaller is that, being this way you can deviate to alternate maps and secondary bosses without investing so much time and without deviating much from your path, and always being within the level range suitable for the area. Usually these areas are never visited or it is done until the end when you are already too high level for the area. This also makes the side areas more rewarding towards the final boss fight with Andariel.

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 Post subject: Re: Act 1 Suggestions.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:39 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:20 pm
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Location: Central America - Honduras - Omoa
Jail level 3 new design:
new jail lvl3.png
new jail lvl3.png [ 10.04 KiB | Viewed 20125 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Act 1 Suggestions.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:31 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:28 am
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The suggestions are certainly outlined in more detail that most folks, thank you for taking the time.

I don't see too many down-sides to any of the suggestions. The charm might want some debates for balance concerns, but that's to be expected I think. One issue might be that players will just tele-skip the content, as they usually do, especially when they're stationary gargoyle traps and the map is preset. It's a bit hard getting motivation to implement changes that most people won't see, and some will complain about just for fun.

If you have the time to create the maps, perhaps they could be included in Solo packages from now on, and perhaps after a few of those they could be included in some multiplayer versions.

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 Post subject: Re: Act 1 Suggestions.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:17 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2015 11:16 am
Posts: 167
I like to see map changes, new quests and bosses. I also like that most d2 maps have many variations that you have to search a bit before you find the objective or the next area. I wouldn't like the addition of more static maps without any random elements. Having a new dark forest might be interesting for a few weeks, but if the dark forest always spawns the same for months and years to come it will be less fun in the long run.

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 Post subject: Re: Act 1 Suggestions.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:42 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:20 pm
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Minu566 wrote:
I like to see map changes, new quests and bosses. I also like that most d2 maps have many variations that you have to search a bit before you find the objective or the next area. I wouldn't like the addition of more static maps without any random elements. Having a new dark forest might be interesting for a few weeks, but if the dark forest always spawns the same for months and years to come it will be less fun in the long run.

The whole point is, that you are already skipping these maps.. making them static maps you straight forward clear and walk to the next floor or to a next map or sidemap... most people even skip the waypoint in woods and jail.... everyone skips countess and come back 50 levels later... and hell...i can even ensure you dont even bother with the cave, the pit, the crypt, the mausoleum, the hole, the UG passage2, the morgue and so on... the whole point is, if you are already skipping it, these changes encourage to atleast go thru those content for quick farm and even get rewarded with the charm. the rest of the maps and the crucial ones are still randomized.

Making some smaller and less teddious by being static, gives you time for side maps while going thru the act untwinked without having to detour so much.

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 Post subject: Re: Act 1 Suggestions.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:48 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:20 pm
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Brevan wrote:
I don't see too many down-sides to any of the suggestions. The charm might want some debates for balance concerns, but that's to be expected I think. One issue might be that players will just tele-skip the content, as they usually do, especially when they're stationary gargoyle traps and the map is preset. It's a bit hard getting motivation to implement changes that most people won't see, and some will complain about just for fun.

If you have the time to create the maps, perhaps they could be included in Solo packages from now on, and perhaps after a few of those they could be included in some multiplayer versions.

ya, the balance is expected on the charm... still a beautifull item and built by beating the 3 rogues... the whole concept is cool and helps you for the end-content of the act.

people already skip... i know... the whole point is, instead of skipping to the end, you will look forward the side maps for that reward, and wont take forever, it will be about the same time, and you get more farming spots and minibosses.

Too bad i dont know how to do the map edditing or of the coding necesarry to mod it myself.

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 Post subject: Re: Act 1 Suggestions.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:38 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:12 am
Posts: 133
yeah i was reading this and i dont see any down side ... as wofls says we do all skip those boring map ... but if it would be smaller, static wit a reward at end ... i would clear it for sure ... hopefully this will end up somewhere nice work and time investement there wolfs !

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