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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:13 am 
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what did you change from my 1.9, exactly seems like you made items ridiculously op again and changed tons of things for no reason just like what happened in 1.6

it appears you have edited every single possible thing you could get your hands on for what appears to be no fucking reason.

my 1.9 was already buffed almost every skill and now you buffed them again. now the game is unbalanced again. you didn't need to change anything from my edits. this perversion of all the balance work i did and i don't endorse the changes you made. I want that to be clear to everyone who still plays. This version of 1.9 is nothing like mine which had been tested for countless hours. this is 1.6 all over again. you would think after the backlash from 1.6 you wouldn't make edits to other people patches anymore. HU is truly dead

edit: you don't even understand how double swing works and buffed it for no reason.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 1:13 pm 

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reset again the really patch now pls

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:25 pm 

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So Ensley basically hijacked Mraw's patch and once again made edits for the sake of editing? I get Mraw was MIA a while but I hope you at least asked permission to build on top of someone else's work. Sorry for the off topic post but goodness that's shady as hell.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:35 pm 
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When you changed the missile speeds on warcry, the hit rate on 'geddon and hurricane, etc. was the value of the hit delay altered as well? If not, then these will not work as intended.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:08 am 

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They were adjusted and tested and do work.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:33 am 
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The changes he made completely fucked the balance i worked on for months to get right in 1.8 and my 1.9. For one example, weapon ed% was capped at 255% as the new 511% and all ed% rolls were scaled back based on this balance. Then comes einsley adding tons of random edits and now you have upgraded angelic set sword with 600% ed based on char level at lvl 80ish being the best weapon in the entire game. It's like having a 1000%ed weapon in previous patches. Its completely fucked. Not mention all the over buffed skills. I just don't understand why Einsley can't stop fucking shit up.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:58 am 
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Last edited by 0d1n- on Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:18 pm 

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I hear a whole lot of QQ from a guy who crawled out of his cave after being MIA for 9 months. You're upset about ED% and buffed skills and say it means the game is broken, but your last 1.9 wake of fire t5 damage was listed as 165, this patch it's 95. If it had been uploaded as-is, it would have been the most broken shit in years. Your Hurricane t5 was still 60, I upped it to 70, and it's still not great. This is just 2 examples.

Let's also account for the fact that many items now have less resists, less life leech, many boss drain values are lower (from 80 to 60 in most cases iirc), the hell resist penalty is 20 higher, and most bosses have more normalized resists across the board, giving them no huge holes.

We currently have 1 guy who poop socked through hell on a Barb and said it took all night and many deaths to finish Baal. I vaguely remember how in 1.5, your patch, bow zons were the only class worth playing, and I'm pretty sure you soloed Samhain and posted a screenshot. I'd love to see someone try to do that and Mancer in this patch and I'll eat a shoe if they do it with a bow zon.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:53 pm 

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Having just started HU up again as i'm on and off throughout the years. I don't know about any of the past drama or bullshit that has gone on nor do I want to but I think there's a lot of serious unneeded flak being thrown at Ensley for doing SOMETHING to bring people new or old to the realm again. It's your opinion if HU is "truly dead" and if that's the case and it's how you really feel why did you even scurry back out from under the woodwork? HU in its current state be it deemed absolutely "awful" or not because of his edits to whatever he decided to edit is completely besides the point especially when it goes from no players to some players; furthermore who the fuck cares? If something is broken or OP people will complain (fucking clearly) and stop playing faster than normal leading to a new patch (hopefully) that would be released faster than normal etc. etc. and any version of that is 100% wholly and entirely better off without your shit attitude in it.

Furthermore on the "ethics" side of things; from what I've been told from several people is that Mraw just vanished without a word and has done so in the past so the only instance where someone should be concerned is if Ensley was told to post Mraw's 1.9 patch without touching anything whenever DuFF (and players, etc.) where ready and Ensley edited things anyway then you have an entirely different situation, but if Mraw just posted a test-patch on the forums and completely disappeared for months without a word to anyone about when he'd be back or even a post entailing what the fuck he wanted to happen with his patch that's entirely Mraw's fault and nobody (players of HU) should have to suffer for his lack of responsibility and communication. However anyone paying attention would find it quite odd that Mraw shows up out of nowhere barely even 2 days into Ensley posting the patch, almost like he was waiting to see if Ensley would throw in his own edits just so he could be a douche-bag about it. As if Ensley's patch would have received any less flak had he trashed Mraw's edits and made his own 1.9 patch from scratch lol give me a break.

Now IMHO it's nobody's business but your own where you go and what you do with your time but you should feel some sort of responsibility to the players that play your mod so if you're going to sit here being extremely toxic while calling someone out and claiming that the realm is truly dead because of the decisions made by said person you'd better be ready to explain yourself, where you went, what was supposed to happen, and your entire side of the story, because the realm went from being completely dead other than my two friends and I into having several people in multiple games throughout multiple times of day.

I for one would love to see a HU revolution of sorts, reviving and revamping the forums, setting up a friendly player-backed Discord and getting the word out there with streaming and more dedicated realm hosting but we cant do that with all of this toxicity and bad-mouthing of people you should be working together with to create something truly outstanding.

If you can't explain yourself as mentioned above then I'd suggest you shut the fuck up, sit pretty and play nice so you can get ready to release the "true HU 1.9" update when this one dies quickly because of Ensley's awful edits that imbalanced the game to the point of no return, it shouldn't be too hard considering he just took your already finished perfected files and threw on his own edits. So just take your perfect files without his edits and throw a HU 1.10 on it then call it a day, either that or do all of us a favor by crawling back into your hole and not coming out.

tl;dr - Stop trashing Ensley for posting this patch because his "shitty stolen imbalanced patch" brought players to the server again if only for a little while; and prepare your "racially, physically and intellectually superior" patch for when this one reaches its critically acclaimed failure, or go home and stay quiet because you're quite obviously a very drunk raging alcoholic.

P.S. Having lots of fun with HU and the patch! hopefully people can get over their petty elitist bullshit so we can focus on having fun.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:51 pm 
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I honestly don't care what version is on the servers but.

Mrawskrad did not disappear for 9months.
It has been 9months since 1.8.

If you can't explain yourself as mentioned above then I'd suggest you shut the fuck up, sit pretty and play nice so you can get ready to release the "true HU 1.9" update when this one dies quickly because of Ensley's awful edits that imbalanced the game to the point of no return,

No offense, but who the fuck are you to judge someone else's life, schedule, work, attitude? If you don't know about past drama, then don't comment on shit you have no clue about.

Part of the reason HU is meandering is due to a series of patches that were not as good as intended.
Speaking of testing, and being tested by those that really undestsand how to 'break the game'. are quite different. If you are unsure of who those folks are, then you should not throw shit at the person that made the underlying base of the patch.

I have no bitch vs Ensely directly. His heart is in the right place, even if things go awry. I don't really give 2 shits about how people determine a fun patch.

On the other hand. Throwing shit at Mrawskrad when several of us asked to just wait it out please....it will happen...we ignored again, and this is the result.

The reader should not be discouraged if...he does not have the prerequisites to read the prerequisites. P. Halmos

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:49 pm 
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Clearly you didn't read his entire post kramuti, since it would seem you're not very versed in the English language I'd ask you to please try again.

He says very clearly:

Empty wrote:

Now IMHO it's nobody's business but your own where you go and what you do with your time but you should feel some sort of responsibility to the players that play your mod so if you're going to sit here being extremely toxic while calling someone out and claiming that the realm is truly dead because of the decisions made by said person you'd better be ready to explain yourself, where you went, what was supposed to happen, and your entire side of the story, because the realm went from being completely dead other than my two friends and I into having several people in multiple games throughout multiple times of day.

So if you're the person who made the "underlying base" of the patch you should feel some sort of pride and responsibility for your creation to not just leave your already dwindling player base in the dark for any extended period of time when said dwindling player base is constantly asking for any sort of update and receiving absolutely nothing in return.

If you're going to jump out of the woodwork and publicly post literally slandering him and his patch simply because you don't like it or the changes he's made you're automatically signing up to be judged by the player base who is playing said patch and is confused as to why you're attacking the person attempting to revive the server in the first place.

Who the fuck are you to judge someone else's work? Don't like it? Don't play it. Don't post about it slamming the creator and the patch on the page people have to go to in order to download it in the first place, take that shit to Suggestions or literally anywhere else.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:17 pm 
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Oh look random nobodys have appeared to suck their friend Einsley off.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:14 pm 
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Pretty much what I expected out of you to be honest, with such an edgy name like darkswarm spelled backwards the bar wasn't set too high I assure you.

I just met Ensley recently and he doesn't seem like a bad guy, you on the other hand seem like you really actually need to get sucked off, maybe if you'd do something constructive like get ready for the next patch or give suggestions or helpful ideas instead of bitching and crying about how you didn't get your way and how he fucked everything beyond repair.

Grow the fuck up and get over yourself, nobody wants to deal with your shitty beyond childish attitude.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:43 pm 
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I read it just fine, thanks. The issue is that somehow Mrawskrad owed anybody any explanation about anything. He didn't. He had also stated that it was essentially done (a couple months previous to now).

I wholly understand that people want a new patch. It has been 9 months. This is actually sooner than most. Typically it is closer to a year.

Ensely then added stuffs (for good or for ill). Then a lot of pressure was exerted to Duff for a reset. He did.

I will not bother to rehash the past. Those that were here, or care to look it up (most of these threads should still exist, even though there have been several mass wipes of some areas) know it. There is a reason (from both points of view) why shat is being thrown.

My view is that impatience has its price.

The ones that can do the very extensive modding have been very offput by this. If you want extravagant patches in the future, it is best to keep them fed, and happy.

The reader should not be discouraged if...he does not have the prerequisites to read the prerequisites. P. Halmos

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:00 am 

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Out of curiosity Ensley, why build over Mraw's patch? Clearly you have a vision of your own for HU. Maybe it's time to focus on your own work unrelated to his?

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 changelog and DL links
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:01 pm 
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0d1n- wrote:
Pretty much what I expected out of you to be honest, with such an edgy name like darkswarm spelled backwards the bar wasn't set too high I assure you.

I just met Ensley recently and he doesn't seem like a bad guy, you on the other hand seem like you really actually need to get sucked off, maybe if you'd do something constructive like get ready for the next patch or give suggestions or helpful ideas instead of bitching and crying about how you didn't get your way and how he fucked everything beyond repair.

Grow the fuck up and get over yourself, nobody wants to deal with your shitty beyond childish attitude.

No jumping to conclusions here. Nope :roll: just come at the mid/end of the story, read none of it til then and then proceed to throw shit. Wow. You seem like a grand fella, too.

Ensely has done quite a lot over the last few years, a lot of it good and healthy for the community. But if you seriously do not understand why someone could get pretty pissed off that someone took their work, altered a massive amount of it, and then called it their work essentially...then you are either naive or have your head in the sand.

The reader should not be discouraged if...he does not have the prerequisites to read the prerequisites. P. Halmos

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:18 pm 

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who else wants to see ensley eat a shoe? should i make a bowazon?

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:06 pm 

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kramuti wrote:
But if you seriously do not understand why someone could get pretty pissed off that someone took their work, altered a massive amount of it, and then called it their work essentially...then you are either naive or have your head in the sand.

Uh well, I spent a shit ton of hours revamping skills, items, and monsters in an attempt to make it so every class has more than 1 or 2 useful builds and not 20+ dumpster skills nobody uses. So yeah, it is my work put on top of what was 1.8. Useless skills has always bothered me with HU - things like Sanctuary aura, CB sentry, Strafe, Rabies, basically all druid ele skills except Hurricane, and others, always get ignored and it just seems like people accept knowing that these skills are bad and will never get used. My vision is something that tries to avoid this.

Pious - you don't have the guts.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:18 pm 

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I come back here every so often to see what has happened with the state of HU, and for quite a long time now, it has been Ensley which has not only gotten the ball rolling, but kept it moving regarding progress with the mod overall.

I think people need to re-evaluate what they are really complaining about; all the time Ensley has spent on HU is giving back to the community. He is not making any money out of this, he's doing it for everyone here.

So before the community as a collective tries to crucify him for whatever reason eludes me at the moment, take some time give him some constructive criticism if you think his changes truly are a step backward.

Personally, I think any progress is forward progress. If changes are made that the community ultimately decides isn't in the right direction, at least everyone knows that for the future, so hopefully it doesn't happen again.

So yeah, I personally support everything Ensley has done for HU, a lot of people come and go, but he seems to be one of the few that has consistently stuck around for the long-haul.

If anyone has feedback for him, please help out with useful feedback instead of driving a dagger in his back for using someone else's work as a base to build from.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:35 pm 
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How was any of what I said jumping to conclusions? The only reason any of this argument is even happening is because he posted all butt mad after his glorious return instead of trying to be constructive, even if he doesn't know how double swing works why not tell him what his edit did and how you think your version was better instead of bashing him so you can attempt to feel good about yourself? I don't give two fucks what you think about me and I'll absolutely throw shit back at the shit starters, I do that often just for fun but especially when they start shit with people that don't deserve it. Mraw bad mouthed Ensley and his release on his own release post, and as far as anyone else knows Mraw was working on his version of Hell Unleashed and then disappeared for quite literally almost 7 months since his last post stating that things where "pretty much finished" and "he didn't have the desire or the time to add more stuff" so why didn't he send the files to DuFF when people almost immediately answered his post talking about edits and things that might need fixing? Oh that's right, because you vanished for 7 months. Why couldn't his whine session be taken to PM? No reason other than to cause drama and let everybody know he's having a pity party and everyone's invited. Ensley continued working on Hell Unleashed doing what he thought was right for the future of the server in Mraw's extremely long non-communicative absence upon the request of several people tired of playing a game they love in a server that nobody plays in.

This isn't called "Mraw's Hell Unleashed" last time I checked, Mraw was working on a mod multiple people including Ensley have worked on in the past, he has absolutely no right to be angry that one of his fellow mod editors took up his mantle in his absence and decided to change or add some things himself to make it what he thought was a more playable experience for what seems to be the ever dwindling HU community.

Players on the server beats no players on the server in just about every imaginable situation.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:00 am 
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The problem is he is terrible at balancing the game and shouldn't be making massive edits to things unchecked especially items. History repeats itself. Look at angelic sword and those 2cb rings, and who knows what else is completely broken. This is clear to anyone with a brain.

LockDown wrote:
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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:03 am 
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You and this balance have a weird thing going on, you should seriously consider changing your name to Thanos, though I completely understand now. I want to apologize, I had no idea that Ensley was so inept at balancing the game. If only there was someone around here who didn't have his head shoved so far up his ass he could assist in teaching Ensley a thing or two since he's so badly in need of learning, or maybe even just give some friendly advice or a shove in the right direction instead of starting a huge public toxic BM whine fest over something that was essentially abandoned 7 months ago.

If you 100% truly feel your patch was the correct step forward for HU and Ensley ruined all your plans to do so and fucked all your edits, there was plenty of way better options that could have been taken to do something about that OTHER than freak out about it on the release post.

Post your own patch and let people play it Single-Player/OMP stating that you don't agree with Ensley's edits and when/if it garnishes more popularity than Ensley's patch DuFF would practically have no choice but to switch the server over or even have another server running your patch all together.

Literally just throw 1.10 on the name and disappear for another 7 months lmfao

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:46 am 
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Who are you, again?

I started modding HU is because people like Einsley, who don't understand how HU was meant to be by Soulmancer and who have a terrible understanding of diablo 2, kept trying and released garbage patch after garbage patch. I hate to see it happen again.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:08 am 
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I'd worry less about who I am and more about that basketball sized tumor in your head, read somewhere once that brain tumors are the leading cause of toxicity on the internet and it's clearly blocking any sort of basic human decency from getting through your thick ass skull.

Super old saying I'm sure even you've heard before goes something like "You get more with honey than you do with vinegar".

If you gave him constructive criticism instead of trying to be some sort of all powerful high and mighty supreme asshole on the internet, HU would probably be one of the top competing D2 mods on the market, instead we now have forums riddled with extremely toxic elitist twats who do nothing but bitch and whine instead of actually trying to help people who want to continue the project fix their issues which at the end of the day does nothing but drive new or returning players away.

Please do enlighten me though, who are you again?

Please answer sooner than next January, for I'm afraid I couldn't handle the suspense.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:11 am 
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didnt even read what came out of your mouth, I just assume its einsleys cum

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:27 am 
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Are you so good at "balancing" because you have to balance your big ass head everyday? or is it easier because it's all hot air?

That insult was so good Mr. Darkswarm, so good in fact I could almost hear your one brain cell struggling to be so clever.

See you again in 7 months Mr. Darkswarm.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:47 am 

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Mrawskrad wrote:
didnt even read what came out of your mouth, I just assume its einsleys cum

Who let a 12 year old Mod HU? I assume a reply like this means you have nothing to say to negate the points odin portrays.

Hope the bash ends soon and we can get rolling with the development of HU.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:23 am 
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Look, I'm coming in at the end of this, been a long time player since 1.21z. Always changed names at new seasons, past few been known as N9ne. But regardless of what any new comers have to say from the past couple seasons, Ensley has been tampering with these patches since 1.16 and every patch of his that has gone live, which is now 1.16 which had to be altered and reset numerous times within 1 month, 1.17 and 1.18 which were horrible, have done nothing but weaken our community. All the age old vets that used to play are no longer around. We do not have a solid community any more due to this. All we have are scragglers that come in and play for a few weeks then jump onto the next mod they come across. That is not how Soulmancer or Blue originally wanted this mode to be. Theyre originally design and vision for this game, whether it be old school or not, is what got people to come to this mod. It was their "original". We have gone so far away from there vision from letting new comers come in and mod/alter the game that now instead of having 300+ players were lucking to have 10 players total, let alone 4 on at a time. If you really want this game to succeed you guys better start backing mraw, quit the bullshit, and understand that the direction we are heading in, is not progress, its disaster. Dish on me all you want, I could give 2 fucks what any of you people think. This is my opinion, coming from someone who has been playing since 2007.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:04 am 
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To be honest, after all the failed patches from Einsley that bring HU further and further from its roots, the only constructive criticism I have is: stop modding HU

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 1:55 pm 
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Ensley has indeed done good things for HU, particulary the full filetrees, making sure that they are updated with new patches, getting a solo version with PlugY, etc.

I understand the 'get the ball' rolling argumenet, etc. However, for those that have not been here for a decade+ like some of us, there is a reason why some are very wary of a full patch.

I hoped that having PureRage and Brevan make the last one would bring it closer to its origins, but it was an ambitious experiment at a different style. This doesn't help the argument of 'let the vets make the gd patches'. But still, it is best for several reasons.

Those that were not even around for pre1.3 rarely have experience with the original versions to understand what Soulmancer envisioned.
Modding, simple as it first appears, is not.
Understanding how to break the game is basically required to make sure...well it doesn't get broken.

This has been an issue when newer folks have been the ones to mod. If you don't know this history, and come and speak as if it essentially does not matter, then few are going to take you seriously.

I hope the patch is fun, but I hope (and honestly more) that yet another very well experienced modder is not going to just say fuck it and walk away permanently.

The reader should not be discouraged if...he does not have the prerequisites to read the prerequisites. P. Halmos

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 2:31 pm 

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kramuti wrote:
Modding, simple as it first appears, is not.
Understanding how to break the game is basically required to make sure...well it doesn't get broken.

This is something I really had to learn in my own endeavors with modding HU. I had this brilliant idea to make every item useful across the board. It was really fun making all these changes to items and thinking how useful they would be to certain builds and what not. You know what happened on my play through? It was bland as hell. I was excited for nothing because everything that dropped was useful. I never had the thrill of seeking out a particular item and finally getting it.

I made the same mistake with other things. I implemented extra curses on strike with items so I didn't have to rely on a necromancer. You think I ever played a necro again? I also strove to make every build useful. The same thing happened, everything felt very "samey" with no real distinction because every build could do everything the next one could. There was no niche build to look forward to make working.

I guess my point is D2 has a very fine balance and any change you make can deeply effect the core game play we've all come to enjoy. Thankfully I was aware enough that the game play in my mod was trash and just a side project to learn D2 modding, because it would have been a disaster if I had actually released it as a HU patch. I don't think Ensley has quite yet come to this realization as you can see it plainly in his edits.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:30 pm 

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There are already some issues that have been discovered in this patch, but that's what happens when you have other players. The hardest thing by far is that we don't have a test server and tryhard vets to play through the patches as a beta for 1-2 weeks.

As far as your necro reference, the Amp and LR curse on hit items here are more abundant than ever before, but they do not break immunities and are more like damage-add bonuses. A Necro with high levels of these curses will break most immunities as well as plummet most monsters resists by almost triple what those CTC items offer. If the playerbase was larger, I would not have put these in, but we don't have the luxury of filling up several games at once.

Also since summons are stronger and there's no more synergies (Poison Nova is just a 20 point build!) there's never been a better time to play a Necro. The problem is people just won't play Necros now because of how one-trick pony and simple they were for so long. PNova with LR was an 80 pt build in itself, summons sucked, and you couldn't up a magic skill because those were all 60 pt builds too. In essence, a Necro was a 2 button class with no other option for almost the entirety of HU. Another example of this is healer pallys are very good now, but nobody is playing one.

Players simply get stuck in their ways just like modders do. I do see your point on skills becoming samey, and it's a delicate thing to handle, but I'd rather have some skills appear to be samey than have 20-25 out of 30 skills be completely useless on every class, which is also what we have often seen in HU. I never played the famous 1.21 HU - I came in 2012 right before 1.4 came out, but I'd be willing to bet at least 20 of the 30 skills on every class were useless.

Nostalgia is a funny thing; we tend to forget the flaws of things we used to enjoy just because they aren't here anymore.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:32 pm 
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Skelemancers and boners have been strong as Fuck on multiple patches. What are you talking about. Necro a 2 button class? Necro is one of the classes that requires the mmost hotkeys to play properly.....

20-25 useless skills per class? Not even close to the truth.

No one is playing a healer because you made the game so easy.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:27 pm 
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Mrawskrad wrote:
Skelemancers and boners have been strong as Fuck on multiple patches. What are you talking about. Necro a 2 button class? Necro is one of the classes that requires the mmost hotkeys to play properly.....

20-25 useless skills per class? Not even close to the truth.

I don't even know of a patch where they were not very strong. I didn't really play 1.8 though.

I have seen a good number of folks over the years say they are weak, and their minions don't live, etc...I facepalmed at those mostly. Sure, vs act bosses they disappear, but if they were getting killed anywhere else...well..then they didn't know wtf they were doing.

Agreed on the number of skill hotkeys is bloody enormous. I filled every gd available one most of the time. And yes...most all were used. Especially the first 8 or 9.

Edit: I also generally made these hybrid with bone spear and bone spirit. So my skeles are weaker than full skelemancers. :shock:

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:20 pm 

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this argument is mute when he didn't even use mraw's work as his base. what ended up on the realm was purely ensley's work which was obviously untested.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:04 am 
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stanfield wrote:
Look, I'm coming in at the end of this, been a long time player since 1.21z. Always changed names at new seasons, past few been known as N9ne. But regardless of what any new comers have to say from the past couple seasons, Ensley has been tampering with these patches since 1.16 and every patch of his that has gone live, which is now 1.16 which had to be altered and reset numerous times within 1 month, 1.17 and 1.18 which were horrible, have done nothing but weaken our community. All the age old vets that used to play are no longer around. We do not have a solid community any more due to this. All we have are scragglers that come in and play for a few weeks then jump onto the next mod they come across. That is not how Soulmancer or Blue originally wanted this mode to be. Theyre originally design and vision for this game, whether it be old school or not, is what got people to come to this mod. It was their "original". We have gone so far away from there vision from letting new comers come in and mod/alter the game that now instead of having 300+ players were lucking to have 10 players total, let alone 4 on at a time. If you really want this game to succeed you guys better start backing mraw, quit the bullshit, and understand that the direction we are heading in, is not progress, its disaster. Dish on me all you want, I could give 2 fucks what any of you people think. This is my opinion, coming from someone who has been playing since 2007.

How did I miss this before. Well said. I want the old hu feel back.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:46 am 
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The only reason anyone wasn't backing Mraw to begin with is because of how he dealt with the situation upon returning from a 7 month hiatus, nobody was playing the game actively at ALL, not 4 at a time, not 10 players total 0 zero none at all so Ensley did something to bring some sort of wake up call to anyone who was left or may have stumbled upon the graveyard that it was at the time, then Mraw shows up out of nowhere all high and mighty as if Ensley had stolen his life's greatest accomplishment, the only person flaming anyone or calling anyone names is Mraw, and myself at each other lol.

I have no beef with Mraw aside from how he has dealt with and/or continues to deal with this situation as a whole.

I do sincerely hope we can get over whatever the fuck this is and move on to something great.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:07 am 
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No one backing me? You live in your own reality, don't you? That explains a lot.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:17 am 
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Okay so not to kick shit up again when we just seemed to have gotten off to a better start, but I was explaining why the people who weren't already backing you weren't backing you. I didn't say "Nobody is backing Mraw" it was a reply to
stanfield wrote:
If you really want this game to succeed you guys better start backing mraw

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:57 pm 
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0d1n- wrote:
Okay so not to kick shit up again when we just seemed to have gotten off to a better start, but I was explaining why the people who weren't already backing you weren't backing you. I didn't say "Nobody is backing Mraw" it was a reply to

I understand the sentiment of 'dude seems like a prick, screw him'. However, it is honestly petty. Those that did not like how he brought up things (admittedly) had no experience with the past, where reactions and opinions were made. To judge the current issues raised with zero context is like continuing to watch a movie when the theatre is on fire....well it wasn't when it started so f it...i am staying...

Now I get Mraw kinda came swinging...but is understandable given our more recent patch history. Could it be more civil? Sure. Would it matter? Probably not.

I still owe Ensely a beer. That beautiful filetree he as made for use repeatedly...ya...he did some of that when I ran into him online in an SC2 stream I didn't have discs anymore...he cooked that up and said here!. So don't think I don't have a lot of respect for him. But also know, that those I respect, have to deal with me saying 'no...this is fucked up...no that is a bad call, etc...if they can't handle it...then eventually the respect will dry up.

Edit: I would also point out to those that were not around for the transition when Soulmancer laid down his modding hat. If you think this is contentious...lololol it is like patty cake compared to MMA.
Sadly, these threads were deleted some time ago when spam was really bad on the forums. Oh my those were some doozies!

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:58 pm 
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That analogy doesn't make much sense at all in this situation but I'll work with it just for shits and giggles, had he dealt with the situation even close to how you deal with those you "respect" by stating "no, this is fucked up, this is a bad call etc." would have been much more civil and a 100% better way of handling the situation, especially since he went MIA for 7 months. If Ensley got defensive and toxic upon Mraw stating his concern the CIVIL way, whole different situation and by all means grind him in to dust.

Being contentious over YOUR OWN mod is one thing, when you're working on SOMEONE ELSE'S mod with OTHER people; shit talking said other people(person) for trying to do something productive and attempting to keep the community alive is fucked up no matter what way you want to try and justify it.

It's not understandable to come in swinging when you've been MIA from a project that isn't even yours for 7 months, in any situation at all.

I'm more than willing to meet pettiness with pettiness, wouldn't have even made a Forums account had he been civil to begin with lol.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:12 am 
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0d1n- wrote:
That analogy doesn't make much sense at all in this situation but I'll work with it just for shits and giggles, had he dealt with the situation even close to how you deal with those you "respect" by stating "no, this is fucked up, this is a bad call etc." would have been much more civil and a 100% better way of handling the situation, especially since he went MIA for 7 months. If Ensley got defensive and toxic upon Mraw stating his concern the CIVIL way, whole different situation and by all means grind him in to dust.

Being contentious over YOUR OWN mod is one thing, when you're working on SOMEONE ELSE'S mod with OTHER people; shit talking said other people(person) for trying to do something productive and attempting to keep the community alive is fucked up no matter what way you want to try and justify it.

I'm more than willing to meet pettiness with pettiness, wouldn't have even made a Forums account had he been civil to begin with lol.

He wasn't mia for 7 months.
The last patch was 9 months ago.
Most of the last 10-15 have been a closer to a year apart.
I am pretty sure that a lot of us took this time frame a little too much for granted.
I quietly said my piece to just wait a month or two once people got really fidgety.
This is exactly why.

You have the perspective as a new player of hey...someone is making new content...wth is wrong with that? nothing. Your reaction, however comes across, that somebody owesan explanation just to make you understand what life is actually like. And since you seemingly totally scoff at the past, then nobody is really going to take your input serious either.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:03 am 
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So you can look at his profile and see the time between his posts and it was 2 days away from being exactly a 7 month anniversary with 0 forum posts since then so unless you're personally in touch with him outside of the forums like the rest of us, I fail to see how you know that he wasn't MIA for that time.

None of your paragraph after your first few sentences made much sense to me so I'll attempt a rebuttal to the best of my ability. All I said is if he's going to come in guns blazing being a prick about someone else picking up a project he hasn't posted on in 7 months he should at least provide some sort of explanation; "life happened shit got fucked up and I don't agree with Ensley's patch so here's my patch instead, let me know what you think and if this has way better feed back we'll get a faster patch for 2.0" is getting the point across 100% better than the way it was said.

We came to the same conclusion but had to go through a bunch of bullshit to get to it for literally no reason lol, Mraw's patch is posted and people are providing feedback and you're still in here attempting to argue that it's okay to be an asshole for reason A.) B.) and C.) and as far as I know Mraw and I are over it already and shit is getting solved and HU is moving forward again, it's not that hard to be civil and adult about it.

I need an explanation though just to make me understand what life is actually like.

I'm sure Mraw's a great guy and from the looks of it he's a damn good modder who takes feedback fairly well, I wish I could have played HU during it's golden age but I was busy playing other mods and never even heard of HU until a month before Ensley's patch was released unfortunately.

Edit: It's a 6 month hiatus, just glanced at the dates and did the math incorrectly but regardless, vanilla still has a ladder reset every 6 months lol so it's not that unfathomable considering people were essentially begging for and testing Mraw's 1.9 barely even 2 months into 1.8.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 12:51 pm 
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0d1n- wrote:
vanilla still has a ladder reset every 6 months

HU has been known to do resets/updates annually.

With the size of the community, or lack thereof, it's not reasonable to have high expectations from anyone about modding. However, I do believe that if someone does take it upon themselves to undergo a new patch or content update the d2 excel files, bins, compiled mpq's should be posted so other people in the community can proof whats been done.

I think that's the whole issue at the moment.

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 Post subject: Re: 1.9 Argument
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 6:58 am 
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I mean if that was the said issue, nobody has made it obvious until you, just now.

Also; unless I'm extremely naive even more so than previously thought, what is this?


Isn't this enough to pull all the information you're looking for from?

The date he edited that post for 1.9:

Ensley03 wrote:
Updated 4/29/18 for 1.9 solo version. If you have the previous 1.8 solo version, you can just swap out the data folders.

The patch went live:

Post subject: 1.9 changelog and DL links
Post Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:14 pm

Approx. 1 month 17 days granted not a very long time, but long enough for anyone who had to complain or wanted to say literally anything at all about the patch, didn't. Wasn't until the patch went live people flipped a lid lol.

I just didn't want people to have to be a douche about shit, especially with the size of the community there is 0 room for blatant toxicity otherwise we'll be lucky to ever get a decent flow of players going again, it's okay to think someone's shit at modding, but tell them why you think that so they can try to fix it instead of just bashing their skull in for no reason.

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