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 Post subject: HUv1.7c
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:14 am 
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Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:28 am
Posts: 1141
Location: Vancouver, BC
Below is a list of changes between HUv1.7b and HUv1.7c that have already been completed. At some point I'll see about finishing it, but for now I'm sharing the information for later reference. This information might be too detailed for casual players, but it includes important details for modding, which is why it's organized by which files are modified.

If you'd like to play with 1.7c then just download a norm-res version of 1.7b and play using -direct -txt and my 1.7c Testing data folder (should work fine, but note that this is for a Test version of the game with item-duping cube recipes enabled, etc).
1.7c Test Webpages

  • itemstatcost.txt
    - Added new stats for HP and MP per Kill based on char level (fractions of 32 rather than the usual 8). Many perKill mods (e.g. Dagger automod) changed to vary with player level.
    - Added new stats for +Missiles, +Targets, so items can affect some skills more.
    - Added new stat for +ARating based on Strength, just so I could give this to the hidden Passive skill all chars start with. This avoids the glitch where Passives update only when their level changes (i.e. adding strength instantly updates your ARating now).
    - Added new stats for using the cube to buff items (+%Dmg to weapons based on gem, +Stuff for a few unique small charms).
    - Changed the "All Resists" description to be "Elemental and Poison Resists", this might be more user friendly for players new to D2.
    - Added new stat for "+/- % Damage Goes to Energy Shield" (the skill is still capped at 66%, but items with this will get you closer to or further from 66%).
  • misc.txt
    - Added 4 CharmBooster items: +Res, +Str/Dex, +HP/MP, +OtherStats (+%Dmg, +HPMP/Kill, NPDR). These are cube recipe ingredients (UniqueSmallCharm + Booster + StarstoneGem).
    - Added 7 JewelBooster items, one for each Gem type. These are recipe ingredients (UniqueJewel + Booster + StarstoneGem).
    - Added a WeaponBooster item. This is a recipe ingredient (AnyWeapon + Booster + StarstoneGem).
    - Crafted/Tempered Jewels base item type renamed from "Jewel" to "Akara Jewel" to help show that they can only be socketed into Akara Rings.
    - Changed "invfile" (image to use while in inventory) for jewels and charms, since this appears to be ignored by D2 but not the webpage maker. For items with multiple possible inventory images, D2 uses ItemTypes.txt.
  • cubemain.txt
    - Crafting an Akara jewel now requires a magical jewel instead of a rare (to match other crafting recipes).
    - Enabled Prismatic Amulet craft (1 of each PGem + Magic Amulet = CraftedAmmy with +5%MaxResAll and +5%ResAll). It can have max 4 added affixes but the first prefix and suffix will be +5%ResAll
    - Sapphire Crafted Amulet onStruck mod changed from 3%Lvl10BO to 3%Lvl12EShld with -30 to -25% Damage Goes to ES (i.e. 20-25% of all damage is sent to mana, doing 10-12% damage to mana)
    - Added recipes to Improve Weapons (any type: Unique, Magic, Superior, etc) up to 3 times. Requires SStone Gem and WeaponBooster. Each improvement adds 3%Dmg of the element chosen by SStone Gem.
    - Added recipes to Boost Charms (but only 6 small charms exist now, carry1 uniques). Requires a CharmBooster item, unique SmallCharm, and SStone Gem, details in the CharmBooster's descriptions and Webpages.
    - Added recipes to Boost Unique Jewels (5 unique jewels now exist). Requires a Jewel Booster item, unique Jewel, and SStone Gem, some vague details (not enough space to include numbers) in the Jewel Booster's descriptions, all details in Webpages. EG RainbowFacet jewel has generic Caster mods; specialize its +%Dmg -%Res with Boosters.
  • superuniques.txt
    - Glasya and Boneking given their own TreasureClasses.
  • treasureclassex.txt
    - Halved chances for dropping Potions.
    - Removed charms from all drops.
    - Added a row for Boosters (relative chance to drop equal to number of applications).
    - Added small chance to drop Boosters to all unique Trash.
    - Added a chance for most minibosses (Radament, etc, most of them) to drop CharmBoosters.
    - Added guaranteed drops of the new unique small charms and a CharmBooster for Tobial (Pois), Thrakk (Cold), Mithia (Ltng), Lazarus (Fire), Titan (Magic), Belial/Azmodan (Phys).
    - Added very small chance for Baphoment, Boneking, Azmodeus, Glasya, Darkness, Titan to drop the unqiue small charm of their element (since no poison boss, Titan can drop EmeraldCharm).
    - Normal Cowking now drops 2 Unique Jewels and 4 JewelBoosters instead of WirtJewel.
  • gems.txt
    - All Replenish Life mods on gems adjusted from 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 to 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 50. Chipped Diamonds went from 5 to 8 (This is about 1HP/3sec, which seemed a reasonable downgrade from Flawed's 1NPDR).
    - Zod Replenish Life mod changed from 40 to 50.
    - Dol now has +18/32 HP per Kill that increases with player level, rather than +15HP/Kill.
    - Hel now has +6/32 MP per Kill that increases with player level, rather than +5MP/Kill.
    - Fal and Ko in Shields now give +4/32 SmiteDmg/Lvl rather than +5 SmiteDmg.
    - Mal's Shield mods (+30HP 15MP) swapped with Ist's Hat/Torso mod (+4%PhysRes), Added +10%FBRate to Ist Shield. Now Ist/Mal in armor/hat will both have HP/MP effects, and in shields (or AkaraRing) they reduce incoming damage.
    - Gul Vex Ohm Lo in hat/torso changed from 2%PierceRes ~100EleDmg to +3%MaxRes +15%Res.
  • Runes.txt
    - Numerous small buffs such as allowing +1AllSkills in low level runewords even if they're in Rods (normally I cloned these words and reduced stats already in the auto-mods of the base items), swapped some static properties with their newer per-level counterparts, etc.
    - "Call to Arms" (ShaelLemPulUm) 30%IAS changed to 255 Charges of lvl10 Conversion, +5-6 Taunt oskills changed to 255 Charges of lvl10 Taunt
    - "Peril" enabled (SAmeElLoEldShael in Bows) with Freezing Arrow oSkill, +/- Cold, 3%OnStrike Lvl20MoltenBoulder. If you have enough Pierce, the MBolder proc is very effective since frozen targets aren't pushed back.
    - "Bramble" (IthTirIo 3xSoulSkull) given a charge of level 10 SpiritWolf (to synergize the SoBarbs), IStamina oSkill from level 5 to 10, ResAll from 20% to 30%, lost ReplenishLife 30.
    - "Hatred" (VexGulOhmLoPAmePAme in Torso) PierceRes reduced from ~10% to 5% (now includes PiercePhys & PierceMag), adds 5%ElemDmg, ResAll reduced from 20% to 10%, added +2%MaxAllRes.
    - "Envy" enabled (DolHel in Rod/Knife) with 1%onKill Lvl 10 FrozenArmor CycloneArmor BoneArmor, 10%SkillDamage, 20%FCRate.
    - "Purity" "Thunder" "Famine" "Water" themes cloned from shields to 3-socket armors (e.g. GulTalTal), 5%PierceElement +10%ElementDmg +10%MaxResAntiElement +50%ResAntiElement. These are intended to be strong and inexpensive for a few situations (e.g. You could make an anti-Diablo armor pretty easily in Norm).
    - "Temptation" enabled as 6 clones (one per element) (e.g. RalRal or FlawedSkullFlawedSkull in melee or rods), 25%IAS 25%FCRate HpMpKill/Lvl 20%ElementDmg +ElementDmg/Lvl (This damage is 80% of the value of the similar Prefix and Suffix together). These are intended to mirror the RareReroll recipes for new chars.
    - "Rhyme" copied with UmLumSolDol (IthEthSolDol still exists), +1Skills, 10%SkillDmg, -25%EShld, 1%Lvl12EShld onKill.
  • Missiles.txt
    - FrozenOrbNova now releases 8 shards instead of 16. The nova is released whenever the FOrb impacts something or times out, and generally about 1/3 to 1/2 of the shards hit the thing impacted, so this change brings FOrb a bit closer to Hydra (Each Hydra shoots about 17 FBolts over 10 seconds)
    - TisterSpiral created as a clone of BlessedHammer, given to Twister. Note that this uses Par1 twice (so it's best kept as 0 or a very small number) as both the Level1 Stun duration as well as the bonus effect from Concentration (none).
    - AirWall missiles created as a clone of FireWall but with twister graphics. Stuns monsters (but if they were already walking then they continue through).
    - AoE-effect missiles created for Enchant and FrozenArmor.
  • Skills.txt, skilldesc.txt
    - Skills that don't involve weapon damage (e.g. FireBolt, Teeth, Tornado), have had their damage slightly increased (1/25 monHP), so an area effect spell that killed in 5-6 hits will now kill in 4-5, but a spell that killed in 1-2 hits will still kill in 1-2 hits.
    - Leap replaced with Cleave (Equip 2-Hand Melee. 6 yard range. 60-150 degree arc attack that can't hit more than 7 targets. Manacost 4. 3/4 WeaponDmg. MagicDmg (Lvl*(Lvl+1)/2) +5/Lvl Bash Concentrate). Leap still exists as a non-class oSkill.
    - Stun replaced with Stunning Throw (Equip throwable. Missiles 2 +1/10Lvl, Stun 0.6 +0.2s/lvl, MagicDmg 5/Lvl +5/Lvl DoubleThrow, Range 16Yards, Manacost 2). Stun still exists as a non-class oSkill.
    - Bash now gains +2%ED/Lvl Cleave.
    - Concentrate now gains +2%AC/Lvl Cleave.
    - DoubleThrow now gains +3%ED/Lvl StunningThow Grimward (up from 2%).
    - IronSkin no longer grants the %PhysRes synergy from IStamina when you have no points in ISkin (bug related to the way this interacts with CharStatPerks).
    - HolyBolt is now a level 1 skill instead of level 6.
    - Meditation FCRate changed from 12%+2/Lvl to 6%+1/Lvl.
    - Conviction now reduces magic res by 1%/2Lvl (so at level 34 it will reduce Defense by 44%, Elemental Res by 39%, and MagicRes by 17%)
    - Sanctuary replaced with Unholy Blight (a poison clone of the Holy Auras with ResLtng aura and Zeal synergies), Sanctuary still exists as a non-class oSkill. A Poison aura that reduces enemy PoisRes and LtngDmg emphasizes the elemental weakness/strength themes of this version of HU.
    - Sanctuary non-class skill is a clone of Holy Auras: -5% EnemyMagRes, -5% EnemyPhysDmg, MagicDamage pulsed and added to attack (Synergy: +1%/2Energy (max 100%)).
    - BattleCry from 26% to 21% at level 1, now caps at level 10 instead of 20.
    - IceBlast now shoots 2 missiles (like Teeth), missiles +1/8Lvl +1/4FWall. This encourages the play style of freezing a line of monsters tangential to you, so you can FWall them. Mana cost increased by +1/Lvl.
    - IceArrow now bounces between targets (like ChainLtng) but no longer pierces targets, 2 Targets +1 per 20%PierceTarget. Mana Cost from 1 to 2.
    - BladeFury now bounces between targets (like ChainLtng) but no longer pierces targets, 3 Targets +1 per 4 Lvls ShadowMaster. Changed from AttackRate to CastRate animation
    - WeaponBlock now capped at 66% (like shield block) and benefits from +%Block from gear (easy to get 5% from Amulet, other non-shield sources exist)
    - FoFire CoThunder BoIce PhoenixStrike all charges damage doubled. The MArts playstyle isn't as easy as most melee, and you should get what you pay for.
    - Weaken reduces enemy damage by 25% from 30% (synergy can bring it up to 35%)
    - LifeTap now reduces enemy damage by 1%/2Lvl AmpDamage
    - Terror now reduces Walk/Run speed by 3%/Lvl LowerResistances
    - Redemption HP&MP/Corpse from 48+6/Lvl to 10.5%MaxHP +1.5%/Lvl per Corpse, MP is 1/3 that % (e.g. Lvl34 = 60%HP&20%MP/corpse). Sacrifice synergy from 1% to 2% (e.g. Lvl34Red + Lvl20Sac = 84%HP 28%MP). MP per corpse increases by 1/2Energy (e.g. Sorc with 300HP 1000MP with oSkill Lvl14 Redemption (30%HP&10%MP) and 300Energy would get about 90HP and 250MP per corpse). These changes let Redemption's effects more closely match whatever build uses it, so its more balanced as an oSkill.
    - BoneArmor and CycloneArmor Damaged Absorbed values changed to 7%MaxHP +1%MaxHP/Lvl with +1/Energy. The results are very similar end-game, but penalize players less in the early game if they are raising Energy at a normal rate instead of raising these skills.
    - FWall length increased from 11 yards to 15.
    - EnergyShield now has max Level 10 instead of 20, the effects of each level are doubled (caps are unchanged, so you just reach them earlier)
    - BWall/BPrison CastDelay removed. This facilitates their use with PoisonNova and FireWall, both of which have CastDelays (Diablo2 spells all share the same cast delay).
    - Revive (Necro's Knight) gains +10HP/Lvl AmpDmg BSpirit. Removed Skeleton synergy, changed SMage from +%HP to +3%PhysRes/Lvl (Knight starts at -20%PhysRes, so maxes at 40%). This makes the Knight fragile for Thorns builds and tanky for Summoners.
    - DeathSentry CastDelay (1sec) created. This more closely balances it with CorseExplosion.
    - LtngFury's bolts now aim at enemies within 6.6 yards (down from 10). This more closely balances it with FreezeArrow and ExplodingArrow.
    - DireWolf's Rage skill (when it consumes corpse) now heals it 50% of its maxHP over 2 seconds instead of adding damage.
    - Raven had its damage doubled but now gains +1MaxRaven/2Lvl (MaxRavens from 10 to 5). Gains MaxRavens from +Missiles mod. Raven attacks increased from 10 to 15.
    - CarrionVine and SolarCreeper now untargettable, but with 6%+1%/Lvl per corpse and max level 10
    - Some shapeshifting skills had their mana costs reduced and no longer increase with level, but Lycanthropy now reduces MaxMana by 30% (The manapool of a wereform druid is now closer to other non-caster classes, to reduce some niche exploits), and some skills reduce that penalty (if they're part of builds that might need the mana).
    - Some shapeshifting skills had their required level changed, FireClaws Frostbite to 12, Fury Shockwave to 18, FeralRage Maul to 24, Rabies to 30. This reduced the gaps between learning new skills for related builds (e.g. Lycanthropy at 1, FBite at 24 Armageddon at 30 had too large a leap between the first 2 skills)
    - FeralRage LifeLeach and FRWalk changed to ReplenishLife (25/charge) and IncreasedAttackSpeed (2%/charge), Charges: 3 +1/4Lvl (i.e. 11 at maxLvl), Duration 30sec + 1sec/Lvl. This lets it work better with non-physical attacks.
    - Maul charges changed from 3 + 1/2Lvl to 3 + 1/4Lvl, so max charges almost halved while effects per charge doubled (15%ED/charge), Duration 30sec + 1sec/Lvl.
    - Tornado pulse duration increased from 15 frames to 25, damage reduced but number of missiles increased to 4 to compensate. This gives it a similar playstyle to Firestorm, where you can hit monsters in melee range with all the missiles (potentially more damage than a single-target spell), but with reduced effect (standard AoE damage) to monsters further away.
    - Twister changed from a clone of Shockwave to a clone of BlessedHammer (Twister will move in a slower tighter spiral stunning monsters and doing physical damage).
    - Attack skills (i.e. damaged based on weapon and they had a formula in the files to determine how much +%EnhancedDamage they added) (e.g. Bash, GuidedArrow, Zeal, etc) will now benefit from +%PhysSkillDamage (the percent is just added to the skill's %Damage).
    - Skill descriptions with "All Resists" changed to "Elemental and Poison Resists".
    - FireNova can now be on left-click, like other Nova skills.
    - CharStatPerks now gives players an innate poison duration of 10 seconds (this was critical for making +PoisDmg/Lvl mods work normally), so any poison mods without a duration will last 10 seconds.
    - CharStatPerks2 created to hold more passive stats (currently holds the Block/Str stat).
    - MonsterTornado damage halved (each of the tornados hits independently, 3 of them at half damage should be fine after damage reduction).
    - BossPrayer now heals 33% per pulse rather than 10%.
  • uniqueitems.txt
    - Wirt's Legacy is now just a unique jewel instead of its own special type, level reduced to 35 and lost some effects, use Jewel Boosters to return some.
    - Rainbow Facet Jewel mods changed to a few standard caster mods and level reduced to 60, use Jewel Boosters to give it the -%EnemyRes and +%SpellDmg mods of your choice.
    - Predator Jewel created (Lvl 35) with phys-melee friendly effects, use Jewel Boosters to give it +%DmgVsMonType of your choice.
    - Prey Jewel created (Lvl 35) with tanking friendly effects, use Jewel Boosters to customize it to your tanking strategy (Thorns, Absorbs, NPDR, etc).
    - Cain's Cantrips Jewel created (lvl 60) with 1%onStruck procs, use Jewel Boosters to give it some more procs (EG the Nova effects from the old Rainbow Facets).
    - Culwin'sPoint enabled with oskills for BattleOrders and BattleCommand, 1% reanimate Berserker (these have Vigor aura).
    - MidasTouch procs ("Wealth" and ChanceGuards) reduced to 1% onStruck. This proc can't be made very practical, but was intended to be amusing rather than annoying.
    - Assassinator throwing knives had their 33%Pierce property changed to "+2 Skill Targets".
    - BaneAsh buffed (10 energy --> 1.5MP/Lvl, 30 MagicDmg --> 2-3 MagicDmg/Lvl, +20%CurseResist, etc).
    - SerpentLord long staff enabled as a defensive caster weapon (charges of EShield synergies, +2 SkillMissiles, +20%MP, etc).
    - Witherstring lost StunAttack and DmgTargetAC (neither seems to work), Pierce 25% --> 33%, OpenWounds 25% --> 50%.
    - Leadcrow lost StunAttack, Sockets 2 --> 3.
    - BverritKeep %AC from 200 to 250 but +20% ReqStr, DR/MDR (12-15) changed to NPDR/lvl (8/32). The shield is weaker at lvl 35, but balanced by what Sol runes yield in a shield.
    - MesserschmidtReaver lost DmgToAC, given 5%onKillLvl15BArmor
    - SuicideBranch changed to a BarbedClub instead of PetrifiedWand (most thorns builds expected to have low Dex, so an all-str weapon should work better).
    - Nagle (lost NPDR) and Manald ring given Replenish/Lvl (50 at Lvl 100), SoJordan Dmg-to-Attack switched to +5%AllDmg and given +5 Str/Dex.
    - Stormlash Scourge enabled (phys-melee weapon, has 2%Lvl5StaticField onAttack, 3 sockets)
    - A few items had their %PierceAllRes reduced (from 5 to 3, or 10 to 5, etc), or changed to +%AllDmg.
    - New Lvl10 small charms named after each gem (except Amythest) created, they start with 5%Res for the element of the gem's theme and can be buffed via CubeRecipes (e.g. +15%Res +6%Dmg +6Str +15HP +50ReqLvl).
  • sets.txt, setitems.txt
    - Tal's Set lost Enchant-related mods and gained +1Missile +1Targets
    - Tancred's Set (Orb Armor Boot Hat, complete at level 65) enabled with Enchant-related effects (Werewolf, Lycanthropy, FeralRage, MP onStrike, etc). Note that the Werewolf state lets a Sorc use different breakpoints, so it's pretty important to a melee Enchantress.
  • difficultylevels.txt
    - MonsterCEDamagePercent reduced from 15 to 0. This appears to remove the FireEnchanted onAttack bug (doesn't affect the odd aura damage of FEnchanted Madawc Ancient or SandBeetles), but keep in mind it also affects other things (StygianDoll deaths, Monster CorseExplosion, hard to tell what else)
  • magicprefix.txt, magicsuffix.txt
    - Reorganized so that Rares and Magic items are more similar in strength, and that mods are either present in abundance or not at all.
    - To balance Rares, affixes have been organized into 3 ModGroups (main (always has an important stat (e.g. %EDmg, %EDef) with another big stat (i.e. the hit-or-miss stat)), secondary, tertiary) since a Group is never picked from more than once. There's only 1 tertiary mod (+1AllSkills) for weapons at level 40, so almost all rare weapons above level 40 will spawn with +1AllSkills
    - To balance Magics, affixes that spawn only on Magic items have been buffed (a secondary and/or tertiary mod tossed on) and their Frequency uniformly increased (e.g. 20x more likely to spawn) so that the weaker mods that spawn on both Magics and Rares are simply less likely.
    - Note that Crafted items select up to 3 prefixes or suffixes (capped at 4 affixes) and cause D2 to crash if all the groups have already been selected from, so there are a few very low frequency (0.5%) affixes in each file that have no mods to prevent crashing while preserving the new design. Rares don't have this D2-crashing problem.
    - Some affixes created for a few new properties (+Missiles, +Targets, +EShld%)
    - Setting "magic lvl" to 1 for all armors and weapons causes a hardcoded issue with affix selection (highest spawn-level affix much more likely to spawn; might be used as Frequency), so within each group+itemType combination low level affixes that should be available at high levels are repeated with new higher spawn-levels.
  • armor.txt
    - Siege and Platinum equipment given "Heavy Armor" automods (they had none).
    - Minimum AC is now 1 instead of 0 (Note that +%EDef mods affect your character rather than the item if the item had a base AC of 0, e.g. "CrescentMoon" in a superior Cap could buff your char's defense by 145%)
    - "magic lvl" set to 1 for all armors. This fixes a hardcoded issue where an unintuitive formula was used to determine the level of affixes that spawn on armor (affix level is now item level (e.g. monster level that dropped the item) + 1)
    - Circlet-type hats given their own automod group.
  • weapons.txt
    - "magic lvl" set to 1 for all weapons. This fixes a hardcoded issue where an unintuitive formula was used to determine the level of affixes that spawn on weapons (affix level is now item level (e.g. monster level that dropped the item) + 1)
  • qualityitems.txt (i.e. Superior items mods)
    - Added +FCRate and +IAS options, removed the option of +Durability only. ModderNote: These new mods had to be placed within the first 3-4 rows of the file, otherwise Throwing weapons won't spawn with them.
    - Added a NPDR/Lvl with +Durability option for Torso and Helm
    - Added 4-6 sockets for Weapons or Armor that had only %EDmg, %AR, or %EDef. This should make it a little easier for making 4 socket runewords in the early game.
  • automagic.txt
    - Wand oSkills min level changed to 1 from 0. There was a bug where wands showing oSkills didn't always let you use those skills, I haven't noticed the bug since this change but I don't see the connection between them.
    - Sources of NPDR (EG Armor) or HpMp/Kill (EG Daggers) given /Lvl mods. Note that the /Lvl effects from all equipment is added together so your char screen might show more than your gear as the fractional effects come together.
    - Most weapons now have multiple options for automods (usually some %EDmg vs MonType, where the % is larger if there are fewer of that type in the game, balanced around the hardcoded 50%DmgVsUndead (about 180 of these))
    - Circlet-type helms now have +AllSkills instead of +ClassSkills. This fascilitates rolling circlet-only affixes for Barb and Druid.
  • itemtypes.txt
    - New type "blnt" created for Clubs, Hammers, Maces to avoid the hardcoded +50%DmgUndead feature of "blun". This lets those items have a variety of automods.
  • montype.txt
    - Added the type "Small".
  • monlvl.txt
    - All stats for monsters above level 10 have been shifted up by 5 levels (so a level 10 monster has level 15 stats). D2 is hardcoded to penalize monster experience awarded to players who are 5+ levels away from the monster level (nearly 100% penalty if 10+ levels away), so this way I can change a level 40 monster to level 35 (but with level 40 damage, experience, HP, etc) which makes it much easier for players between levels 30-40 to gain levels but stop around level 40-45 (as intended) instead of level 45-50. This also makes it easier for rushed and underleveled players to catch up.
  • levels.txt
    - NM areas have had their levels reduced by 5, since this controls monster levels in NM (monstats.txt affects all monsters in Norm, but only boss monsters in NM and Hell)
    - Reduced monster density by about 20% everywhere, while NM left about 20% more dense than Norm, and Hell about 20% more dense than NM.
  • monstats.txt
    - Trash monsters generally have 100%HP, and Berzerkers/Wyrms/etc had about 600%HP but all monster's HP has been reduced towards TrashHP by 1/2. For example, a sturdy trash's HP might have been reduced from 200% to 150% while a Berzerker's was reduced from 600% to 350%. Bosses and their minions shouldn't be affected.
    - Normal Monster levels reduced by 5 (along with monlvl.txt changes, this should make it easier for people to reach a max of 5 levels above monsters). Bosses and ActBosses unchanged (so their damage, HP, etc are slightly higher than before due to the changes in monlvl.txt)
    - Added the "Small" monType to about 80 monsters (Fetishes, Imps, Fallen, spawns, etc).
    - Corpsefire (FallenShaman6) attack spell changed from ShamanFire to VampireFireBall. This seems to fix an issue where he was getting a bonus attack that did double damage (i.e. when his cast animation started you would be hit for double damage, and might get hit again when the projectiles reached you), but I still have no idea why the bug exists other than that it only seems to be when he uses the spell, and that it exists as far back as HUv1.16.
    - SkelChamp (Necro's Knight) now has 33%ResMag 50%ResElemPois, 0%Block. This is to facilitate it's use with IronMaiden, since Bosses seem to ignore BoneWall regardless of its Threat value.
    - ShadeWolf (reanimate-only monster, Deals 15/25 MonHP damage with very little health, a level 55 in Norm and area level in NM/Hell) clones created (Golem themes) for each element except magic
    - ankheg (Thrakk) BladeShield skill replaced with DiabFire (nova-like skill). BladeShield is the assassin's skill, so a bit high for damage, also its pulses combined with regular attacks created unpredictable damage spikes and also prevented on-death procs of players and their pets.
  • monprop.txt
    - NecroSkeletons (not Skeleton Mages) now generate a corpse onDeath, just like SkeletonKnight. They still require a corpse to summon, so this won't generate new corpses like the Knight does, but it lets some corpse-dependant builds (e.g. PoisExplosion) "carry" a few extra corpses from one group of monsters to the next. Note that the bug with aura pulses, bladeshield, thorns, on monsters will prevent the NecroSkeleton corpses from spawning.
  • properties.txt
    - "red-dmg%" renamed to "res-phys" so that it matches the other 6 resistance properties.
    - Added new properties for new stats (+Targets, +Missiles, +EShld%), and Booster effects (used to limit the boosting recipes).
  • Hirelings.txt
    - Adjusted A3 Mercs so that if they are hired before character level 40, their skills will be reduced to roughly where they'd be at the lower level. At level 40 they go back to normal.
    - Fixed an issue where NM and Hell A3 mercs had unexpected chance to cast some spells.
    - Added A3 Magic merc (BoneSpirit, BoneSpear, Teeth, Attract, Sanctuary). Chance to cast are about BSpear=20% Teeth=20% BSpirit=40% Attract=15%
    - Restored the A1 Physical merc (Multishot, GuidedArrow, MagicArrow, SlowMissiles, Pierce). Chance to use Multi, GA, and MA about 25% with SMissiles about 10%.
    - Raised the minimum level of Rogues to 25 from 10, so it should be a bit easier to level one if you wanted to change back to A1 while still in Norm.

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