Gates of Arimyth

[Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior
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Author:  NewBastige [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

This build is what I am currently working on as a side setup to my current assassin. The primary focus is on the Shadow Disciplines tree, and if you're following this correctly, what I mean by "psychic warrior" she will most often make use of the skill "Mind Blast" along with her claw(s) and side skill of choice, whether it be Fade or Venom - no BoS here.

Of course I will run into a couple of drawbacks until Mind Blast becomes available, but Psychic Hammer, a lv.1 skill, is nice because it has the chance of knocking back your enemy, or at least putting the enemy into hit recovery mode. This excludes bosses.

If you want to have Burst of Speed as a side skill, I'd advise that you shouldn't invest too much and be prepared to recast it often. Fade would be the perfect side-skill for the setup since, not only does it provide all resist and curse reduction, it grants DR% equivalent to the slvl of Fade.
(I do not know if the bonus works on base level or current level.)

I will be providing some information as to how I am doing with this current setup, but you can also leave input if you've tried this setup before I thought of doing one. :D

As the setup goes:

- Not all points will go into Psychic Hammer - about 10-15.
- Not all points will go into Mind Blast - about 15.
- Either Shadow Warrior or Master, not both. (If you can tweak this around and have the skills, you can try having both around!)
- 10 points in Claw Mastery at most. More if you're using Venom as a side-skill. Again, +skills will help here.
- Max either Fade or Venom. No more than a point in the other.

This is a workbook-kind of setup so not everything will go well as the layout suggests. That said, you may run into trouble!

Considering Claw Block? More than one point is a no-no. Let +skills boost it. Same with CoS, although you may want to put a few of your skillquest points into it to help you should you use it, and you should if you run into a crowd. It's more or less a massive "Dim Vision" effect, so you gotta move elsewhere once you set it off as enemies will only go to or fire at where they last saw you. Again, this excludes bosses.


Author:  Abominae [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

So... umm...

Where does your damage come from? From the looks if it, you have absolutely no real focus on any attack skill. Also, making a hybrid of a caster (Physic Sin) and a melee (Venom Sin) splits your gear all over. Not only are you trying to balance caster mods with melee friendly mods, you're Venom damage will be pathetic if you don't focus on -Res, +Shadow skills, and +Psn Damage skills.

Also, Fade works on soft points. So each hard point and +skill will give you +1% DR.

Author:  muleofal [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

also, you might as well 1 point BoS (i think its a prereq anyway to fade) because you can have both that and fade active at the same time. FRW is a great survivability mod...if you can outrun the enemies attack then you cant die :)

i dont see what the benefit to claw mastery is if you will use venom...wont do anything without an actual skill.

venom will need a good amount of dedication to be strong, meaning your psychic and mind blast will be weak. if anything, you may want to focus on mind blast being a convert-only type skill

Author:  NewBastige [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

Mind Blast isn't going to be your all-damage focus. Eventually it will come down to your claws doing the dirty work of dispatching the foes that you can't use Mind Blast on.

And I didn't know you could use Fade + BoS at the same time! Like I said, there will be problems as this is just a "idea" that is in rough draft form. :P

Author:  Abominae [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

NewBastige wrote:
Mind Blast isn't going to be your all-damage focus. Eventually it will come down to your claws doing the dirty work of dispatching the foes that you can't use Mind Blast on.

And I didn't know you could use Fade + BoS at the same time! Like I said, there will be problems as this is just a "idea" that is in rough draft form. :P

Then you'd be better off 1 pointing Mindblast if you're not using it for damage. +Shadow Disc skills come pretty easy later in the game where a high % convert chance matters more.

If you want to use pure claw attacks, you're best bet is pure Dragon Claw. It gives good %AR and great %DMG. You could also make a Whirlwind Sin, which focuses on Venom for it's damage, but it's a very expensive build.

I can tell you're probably new to HU. Builds in HU more often than not require focused, concentrated gear and skills. Hybrids are pretty rare and spreading your points out will pretty much get you nowhere.

Author:  Nazgul [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

Abominae wrote:
NewBastige wrote:
Mind Blast isn't going to be your all-damage focus. Eventually it will come down to your claws doing the dirty work of dispatching the foes that you can't use Mind Blast on.

And I didn't know you could use Fade + BoS at the same time! Like I said, there will be problems as this is just a "idea" that is in rough draft form. :P

Then you'd be better off 1 pointing Mindblast if you're not using it for damage. +Shadow Disc skills come pretty easy later in the game where a high % convert chance matters more.

If you want to use pure claw attacks, you're best bet is pure Dragon Claw. It gives good %AR and great %DMG. You could also make a Whirlwind Sin, which focuses on Venom for it's damage, but it's a very expensive build.

I can tell you're probably new to HU. Builds in HU more often than not require focused, concentrated gear and skills. Hybrids are pretty rare and spreading your points out will pretty much get you nowhere.

Ribbit ribbit

Author:  NewBastige [ Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

Well, yes I am rather new. I'm just trying to make an assassin that would use that aspect in the shadow disciplines tree. I could always reroll if this truly is ineffective if you suggest that it might be.

Maybe I should get a solid listing of the damages on such first before I should've tried? Oh well.

Author:  tonykantos [ Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

Its about specializing. Dont go both range/spelling attacks ( M.blast, p.hammer ) and melee ( venom ).

Choose only one fighting style. That'd be way better.

Author:  NewBastige [ Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

Alright. So it's not gonna work with venom, so I'll just go with Fade instead.

Author:  PureRage-DoD [ Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Idea] Assassin - Psychic Warrior

1 point in death sentry on any sin and you have yourself a farm char

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